June 18th 2020, Columbia, SC: When we heard about the fire in the storage facility at Epworth Children’s Home several weeks ago that wiped out the majority of their supplies, we were wondering if there was something that we could do to help. When they posted their wish list online, we noticed that they were in need of 100 twin bed mattress covers. We called one of our supplier partners, Clean Brands, who makes mattress protectors for the pest control industry. When we explained the situation to them, they agreed to help us replace all 100 mattress covers. So today, Melanie and I donated and delivered 100 twin bed mattress covers to their donation site on Holly Street in Columbia. We were glad to help this wonderful organization and want to encourage others to do the same! You can drop off or mail supplies to: Epworth Children’s Home 739 Holly Street Columbia, SC 29205